Timeless Education: A Persistent Slab Is a Gift-Wrapped Lump of Coal

Timeless Education: A Persistent Slab Is a Gift-Wrapped Lump of Coal

I’m excited to recommend a fun, timeless article that appeared in Avalanche Canada’s blog shortly before Christmas in 2018. It addresses a problem that, like my neighbors’ relentless flashing Christmas lights, just won’t go away.

 In an easy-to-read conversational tone, “Persisent Slab: Like a Gift Wrapped Lump of Coal” explains the higher level of uncertainly associated with persistent slabs, and how this heightened uncertainly should affect how we manage them.

Can’t sleep? Nothing good on Netflix? Can’t get enough on persistent slabs? Click here for an excellent video on the topic from the Utah Avalanche Center, and here for one from NWAC’s blog. I especially like NWAC’s post because it states a critical piece of advice: “There is no mitigating this hazard with ski cuts or slough management. These avalanches can break far above you and much more deeply than is manageable.”

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