Artist: Nicole Finger

Nicole Finger

Nicole Finger paints from her studio in Telluride, Colo., where she has raised her family surrounded by the spectacular beauty of the San Juan Mountains. Her work regularly shows nationally and internationally in juried and solo exhibitions. Primarily recognized for her bold, highly realistic, close-cropped and oversized style; she approaches varying subject matter—figurative or stills—with a similar aesthetic. In what she calls her “floralscapes,” she conveys the ephemeral pull of time and a grasping at the fleeting nature and fragility of life. Profoundly humbled by such breathtaking landscapes in her own backyard, Finger felt that duplicating them in paint would never do them justice. Instead, she decided to combine these ancient formations with short-lived, delicate florals to amplify the concept of timelessness verses inevitable loss.

Check out more of her work on Instagram @fingerpaintingart or on her website.

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