How To Mitigate Avalanche Transceiver Interference

How To Mitigate Avalanche Transceiver Interference

Cell phones, two-way radios, smart watches, battery powered avalanche airbags, wireless headphones…. Most of us carry at least one of these gadgets while ski-touring—indeed, some of them are potential life-savers. However, what you may not know is that all of them produce active interference that can affect your transceiver’s send and search mode. (Not to mention the less-obvious matter of passive interference; even a foil-lined jacket or an unfortunately placed candy bar can impede a rescue operation.)

Photo courtesy of Colin Garritty

The good news is that transceiver interference can be mitigated, and most of the time very easily. But you’ll have to first learn how interference works, how to properly pack your gear, and which devices need to be powered off while touring or performing a rescue.  

Fortunately, everything you need to know was diligently researched and compiled by Karl Klassen and published on Avalanche Canada’s blog. Read Part 1 and Part 2 today, and follow his plan to mitigate transceiver interference before your next tour.

Through backcountry skiing, Paul Rogers has found incredible happiness, lasting friendships, and the opportunity to traverse the snowscape across Europe and North America. He founded Powder Cloud to help others safely find the same.

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