G3 FINDr 102

G3 FINDr 102

While this is not an official recommendation, the Powder Cloud crew thought it important to note that we’re hearing numerous and positive reports regarding the G3 FINDr 102. The crew over at Backcountry Skiing Canada gave them a rare 10/10 award. Click here to read their review.

Unfortunately, we have yet to test them out, but recently a Canadian friend and ACMG guide, whose ski opinions I trust implicitly, recommended the G3 FINDr 102. He’s the kind of guy who rarely has much to say about gear, so on the three or four times a decade he does recommend something, I pay attention. He’s the same guy who recommended the original Blizzard Zero G 108 (2015–17), which I fell in love with. I should have purchased an additional pair, since Blizzard has changed the design over the last few years. Maybe the G3 FINDr will be the perfect replacement.

If one of us gets a full season on them, you might see them show up in our Powder Cloud Likes section.

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